God’s handiwork within Heuristic-Biased Stochastic Processes

The arguments for God can be found in extant (current) biological processes as well. We can see God’s handiwork within heuristic-biased stochastic processes. In other words, there are law-like “rules of thumb” that are applied at the quantum level (as with photosynthesis) as well as the molecular level (through epigenetics and the genome) and neurogenesis and neurological ontogenesis (development) — as with human language acquisition. At first glance, these biases may seem loose, but they are as effective as the gravitational attraction of large masses discovered by Newton. Our apologetical arguments for God need not be confined to prehistory. They are written across the natural world even at this moment.

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Evodynamic Systems

Evodynamic Systems

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> Thelen and Smith wrote about attractors and attractor states in reference to dynamic systems theory. Recent neurological studies show however that in the context of neural growth, the dendrites are guided by neurochemical repellency signals rather than attractor signals. Such navigenetic processes may well be mirrored in the adaptivity and genetic restraints of species as well. That is, navigenesis may be occurring at the intraspecies and interspecies levels. >

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Semi-Dynamic Systems

At times Creationists and Evolutionists resemble the “Blind men and the elephant fable”. They have each seized upon pieces of the puzzle but neither has achieved the complete picture. The most parsimonious perspective can be found through a semi-dynamic systems approach. Recent studies of the peppered moth suggest that the classic coloration changes are the result of a single hot-spot in the genome. Such constrained elasticity allows organisms like moths and Tanganyikia Cichlids to rapidly adapt to environmental pressures while still retaining the robust basal genome of the taxonomic family. This type of genomic epilibrium is the secret behind the longevity across the millennia.

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Bioluminescence in Cholera Bacteria

I am currently contemplating bioluminescence in Vibrio cholerae, the cholera bacteria. Initially, the presence of LuxA, a gene for luminescence, seems to be a classic argument for a vestigial marker for evolutionary descent. Further reading led me to this note:

“It has been proposed that expression of the luciferase gene may help facilitate the bacterial DNA repair process by providing an internal light source for photoreactivation, a photo-mediated repair mechanism (4, 12). Alternatively, when attached to larger particles, such as detritus or plankton, V. cholerae may be afforded protection from UV damage, as would occur in Bangladesh ponds where turbidity is high (1). Further investigation of the functionality of the lux operon for the apparently nonsymbiotic but commensal species V. cholerae is needed, since the phenotype occurs more frequently than previously determined and demonstrates a dynamic expression range” (Grim, et al., 2007).

The speculative statements at the end of the Grim (2007) article suggests that bioluminescence is purposeful, rather than incidental, as it may be used for “photo-mediated repair” or may provide communal benefits in murky waters. “Dynamic expression range” is an attribute that occurs in many species including those far removed from cholera bacteria. For example, trichromacy (color vision) reveals dynamic expressive range because it occurs in some New World monkeys (like Howler monkeys) but not others. Bioluminescence, trichromacy, and other aptitudes are sometimes explained as having been “independently acquired” because they do not neatly fit cladistic analyses. It is more parsimonious to recognize the possibility that these are the result of divinely-designed dynamic genetic cadres. Dynamic Expressive Range is the sin qua non of divine design. The Master’s Hand can most clearly be seen in polyarchic systems which may seem brutally utilitarian at first glance, but result in a complex, but enduring natural order.

Some intelligent design (ID) theorists focus on individual species for evidence of divine design. My observation has been that for every example of elegance, an inelegant or dubious example can often be provided as well (this fact gave Stephen Jay Gould much to write about.) It is more productive to focus upon divinely appointed processes including adversarial, symbiotic, complementary, and communal algorithms which occur within the genome and between species. Just as heliocentric astronomers were befuddled by the elliptical trajectories of planetary orbits, so theistic metaphysical theorists will continue to be frustrated if they focus on individual species rather than the regi (guiding principles) in the Natural Order. They have focused too much energy looking for evidence of deus ex machina and too little on regi ex machina.


Grim, Taviani, Alam, Huq, Sack, & Colwell (2007). “Occurrence and Expression of Luminescence in Vibrio cholerae.” Appl Environ Microbiol. 2008 February; 74(3): 708–715. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2227713/

Kainz, Neitz, & Neitz (1998). Recent evolution of uniform trichromacy in a New World monkey. Vision Research 38 (1998) 3315–3320.

Click to access 1998-Kainz-Evolution_of_trichromacy_NW_monkey-VisRes.pdf

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Homosexuality has been historically characterized as a mental illness, a defect, and a sinful behavior.
From a scientific standpoint, it is more useful to view it in terms of Regiticulation, which is to say
it falls within the dynamic, yet recurrent, range of normal genetic heterogeneity. Additionally,
it occurs on a continuum of sexual orientation, rather than being binary or bifurcated in nature.
Contemporary research indicates that it is biased toward males, but occurs in both sexes. The
regiticular characteristics of sexual identigenesis occurs within patterns that
can be approximated using a multifactorial model based on sibling birth order, nascigens, attachment
formation and sexualization.

native (adj.) Look up native at Dictionary.com late 14c., from O.Fr. natif (fem. native), from L. nativus “innate, produced by birth,” from natus, pp. of nasci (Old L. gnasci) “be born,” related to gignere “beget,” from PIE base *gen-/*gn- “produce” (see genus). The noun is mid-15c., originally meaning “person born in bondage,” later (1530s) “person who has always lived in a place.” Applied from 1650s to original inhabitants of non-European nations where Europeans hold political power; hence, used contemptuously of “the locals” from 1800.

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Dynamic Subneural Reticulation (DSR)

Dynamic Sub-neural Reticulation (DSR)


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What is the Role of Connexive Retictular Systems (CRS) in Human Sexuality?

Connexive Retictular Systems (CRS) play a vital role, albeit poorly-understood, role in human sexuality.

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Important Differences Between Darwin’s Writings and Alfred Russel Wallace’s

I have been reading about some of the important differences between Darwin’s writings and Wallace’s. Darwin’s was decidedly more materialistic. Additionally, “Although Wallace always claimed to follow Darwin, in fact he increasingly distanced himself from the anti-teleology so prevalent in Darwin’s approach to evolution; by contrast, he developed a comprehensive teleological counter-theory to Darwinian natural selection that may be appropriately be called INTELLIGENT EVOLUTION” (William Demski, 2008, p. ii, from the Foreword to _Alfred Russel Wallace’s Theory of Intelligent Evolution_ by Michael A. Flannery, Erasmus Press.)

Flanner is a Professor and Associate Director for Historical Collections at the Lister Hill Library of the Health Sciences, University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB). He holds a master’s degree in history from California State University at Dominguez Hills and a library science degree from the University of Kentucky. His expertise in history helps to make _Alfred Russel Wallace’s Theory of Intelligent Evolution” an excellent read.

Another book worth noting is _The Heretic in Darwin’s Court: The Life of Alfred Russel Wallace_ by Ross A. Slotten, 2004, Columbia University Press.) Slotten’s book includes this passage from Wallace’s “The Limits of Natural Selection as Applied to Man” (in _Contributions to the Theory of Natural Selection, 359-360_):

“Superior intelligence has guided the development of man in a definite direction, and for a special purpose just as man guides the development of many animal and vegetable forms….But even if my particular view should not be the true one, the difficulties I have put forward remain, and I think prove, that some more general and more fundamental law underlies that of ‘natural selection.’ …It is more probable, that the true law lies too deep for us to discover it; but there seems to me, to be ample indications that such a law does exist, and is probably connected with the absolute origin of life and organization” (as cited by Slotten, 2004, p. 4).

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